Sunday, 8 November 2009

Sunday Confession

Sunday was over again. Not that interesting day for me either. Just been home most of the day. Listening to the radio, blogging, eating, sleeping and talking to friends online. Not also been out to go bicycling. In short, been being lazy all day. And just missing someone.. hmm..seems like this sunday was a bit too emotional and sentimental for me -__- but its not bad. Its normal, i think.

I made spring rolls for my dinner ^__^ but i had forgotten to take a picture to post it here.. because im too hungry and just ate it right after i had cooked it. I actually burned my tongue a little bit.. hahaha... Aside from being too emotional today, i've done dancing to put him out of my mind for a while. But well, its only for a while...when, i started sitting again here in my keyboard i also started to think about him. And started crying again... hmmm..(erase, erase, erase) Its really hard to mend a broken heart.. hahaha.. Wounds can heal, but scars stays forever ^__^

By the way, i dreamed about a baby twice. I had wondered what does it means. So, i googled it in the net and found out that baby in dreams means "new beginning" I think that's real true. I think i really have to move forward and starts my "new beginning" But its still not that easy -__- but i can try and figure out how would i start, isn't it?

I have a lot of things to say.. have loads of feelings that wanted to come out.. but i dont know where to start.. hehehe... Maybe its better to leave this feeling like this. And let the time heal all my wounds.

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